Every now and then, there's a "Light Bulb Moment"
That moment when everything looks a little clearer .......
My first lightbulb moment after being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes was finding myself at a DAFNE course with others just like myself. Living with type 1 diabetes.
It felt a little like being adopted into a club of like minded people. People I could communicate with and we all knew exactly what we were talking about, "daily life with type 1 diabetes"
It made me feel accepted, understood, and then by the end of the week, educated.....
My second lightbulb moment was when I attended my first conference for people with type 1 diabetes. That was Thriveabetes 2015. I had no idea what to expect but the idea of being among so many people with type 1 always feels like a comfort.
There were so many people I knew online and chatted to regularly, I could see their profile pictures so it all felt familiar but meeting them in person was brilliant.
Those who arrived the night before met up for drinks in the lounge and chatted and laughed getting to know each other. That's when I first saw the Medtronic 640G integrated insulin pump. " funny the things we chat about over drinks".
The next morning I arrived early for breakfast where I got chatting to a Medtronic rep as luck would have it.
As people arrived I felt excited as I got to meet them in person and watching the event fall into place there was a feeling of relief that everything was going to the plan Grainne had set out in her vision.
Joe Solowiejczyk diabetes educator and person with type 1 diabetes, http://www.parentingdiabetickids.com/ask-our-team/meet-our-team/joe-solowiejczyk/
who was one of the Speakers talked about personally living with T1 and told that story in such a humorous way.
Other speakers covered, education, statistics, what we should be aiming for and how best to achieve it, latest on research and latest technology.
There ware separate groups for adults living with type 1 and parents of children with type 1. Among the renowned speakers we had a representative from JDRF, and Dr Kevin Moore, Consultant Endo from Naas and Tallaght Hospital diabetes clinics.
At lunch I saw a pebble watch with nightscout, something I'd never heard of before and there it was right in front of me, absolutely fascinating, and I was told where I could get more information about it.
It was a day full of fact from professionals and information from other people with type 1 diabetes about useful groups and where to find the very latest info, a day full of learning, education and making friends.
I arrived, and attended as a part of my T1 community, I left at the end of the day fully motivated and feeling like nothing was beyond me.
That day I became a diabetes advocate ....
This year I'm really looking forward to meeting up with everyone again, some new people, some Iv met last year, and some who have become treasured colleagues, friends and role models.
Not a professional, just a person with type 1 diabetes sharing experience
This year Thriveabetes is on 1st October in Killashee House Hotel, Naas, Co. Kildare and registration is open here http://thriveabetes.ie/index.php/2016/05/09/thriveabetes-2016-registration-now-open/
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