More than a Mum
These are Stacey's feelings,
Stacy is Mum to a child with Type 1 Diabetes.
A Day in their Life.
T1D is a 24/7 job ... and everyday is like studying for the most important test in your life then the next day it all changes and all that you studied no longer matters because the questions on the test are no longer the same material that you studied for ...
It is gaining a medical degree in a matter of days and then being left to make life altering medical decisions constantly...
Its injecting medicine into your child that they need to save and keep life, but that very same medicine has the ability to, god forbid take there life in the blink of an eye ...
It is living in a constant fear that you cannot show to the outside world ...
It is dealing with ignorance on a daily basis and judgment from people who don't have a clue..
Its about trying to get people to understand just about everything has carbohydrate in it, so unless you want my child to survive on only water yes I have to test, measure and calculate everything IN FRONT of you ....
It is dealing with strange looks from people who do not understand and don't see why you may be watching and hovering over your child at any given time and why you cannot relax because you are trying to let them act like a regular kid but you know what the number on that little machine reads ..
its about truly never sleeping again....
its about holding your child while they sob because they don't wanna have diabetes anymore, they don't wanna be poked and prodded they don't wanna watch the other kids do whatever they want, they don't wanna sit out of the birthday cupcake that came to school, and watch everyone enjoy it while they eat a cheese stick cause their blood sugar is over 300 and no one ever bothered to let you know they would be celebrating a birthday that day...
Its about dealing with school issues and what occurs with your child after a low or a high Blood Sugar and how it takes longer for their brain to clear and focus afterwards ....
As a parent it is about losing a small piece of yourself daily because you are giving every piece of yourself to your child and this disease, all while trying to function normally as a person and be there for the rest of your family ...
Its about constant worry, about all the other health issues and risks that go along with this disease that can also god forbid take their life ...
its about learning who is truly there for you and who isn't ..
it is packing for a small trip everywhere you go making sure you have ALL your supplies and food for lows and food for highs and drinks for both....
it is also about holding your head up high at the end of the day and saying to yourself I DID IT.
I tackled all these things again today and I kept my child healthy..
This is NOT a pity party it is a request to Please don't ever judge others.
You don't know what their daily struggles are.
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