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Dia - NewsDrop from Diabetes T1 Ireland |
John & I are both type 1 diabetics "experienced but not professional" we are one year now gathering as much information as we can about both type 1 & type 2 diabetes and we'v learned an awful lot along the way. The thing about researching something is, it makes you very aware of keeping your eye on the ball.
You can find us here
or here
Follow us on twitter @T1Ireland
John & I are both type 1 diabetics "experienced but not professional" we are one year now gathering as much information as we can about both type 1 & type 2 diabetes and we'v learned an awful lot along the way. The thing about researching something is, it makes you very aware of keeping your eye on the ball.
You can find us here
or here
Follow us on twitter @T1Ireland
* Our Stats for march march 2014-2015 *
In the last year (March 2014 / March 2015) our website has had;
- 130,569 hits / website visitors
In the last month alone our facebook page had ;
- 3,570 post engagements
- 26,875 of post reaches
Meaning nearly 25,000 people have seen our posts in just 1 month, and are maybe just a tiny bit wiser, more aware and a little better educated.
- 130,569 hits / website visitors
- 3,570 post engagements
- 26,875 of post reaches
* Our Achievements *
- we'v run successful competitions, with happy winners.
- we'v spent countless hours on the phone supporting people with Type 1 Diabetes.
- we'v worked with Diabetes Insight, and refer'd people to Helena where professional help was needed.
- We assisted in a Diabetes Insight information evening in the Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Co Kildare.
- We'v written weight loss with T1 blogs, which proved very popular.
- We'v been building our, low carb, Paleo, and low GI recipes page, but john is expanding this as we speak.
- We'v helped people source the information they requested, and much more.
- We'v secured sponsors, to help fund our website and admin costs, as we do this voluntarily.
- We had a Type 1 Diabetes Awareness video filmed, which can be viewed on the home page of our website.
- We have facilitated, new Glucose LX plus blood glucose meters to be sent to many people, with a delivery only a few days after they were ordered.
"We are now registered with Kildare Public Participation Network"
(Kildare PPN) is a new framework for public engagement and participation. There will be more extensive and diverse input into decision making at local government level in Kildare.
- we'v run successful competitions, with happy winners.
- we'v spent countless hours on the phone supporting people with Type 1 Diabetes.
- we'v worked with Diabetes Insight, and refer'd people to Helena where professional help was needed.
- We assisted in a Diabetes Insight information evening in the Westgrove Hotel, Clane, Co Kildare.
- We'v written weight loss with T1 blogs, which proved very popular.
- We'v been building our, low carb, Paleo, and low GI recipes page, but john is expanding this as we speak.
- We'v helped people source the information they requested, and much more.
- We'v secured sponsors, to help fund our website and admin costs, as we do this voluntarily.
- We had a Type 1 Diabetes Awareness video filmed, which can be viewed on the home page of our website.
- We have facilitated, new Glucose LX plus blood glucose meters to be sent to many people, with a delivery only a few days after they were ordered.
(Kildare PPN) is a new framework for public engagement and participation. There will be more extensive and diverse input into decision making at local government level in Kildare.
The PPN will be the main link through which the local authority will connect with the community/ voluntary, social inclusion and environmental sectors.
Through the PPN, people will be selected to participate in various processes of the County and its boards & committees. The PPN will be organised at County and Municipal District levels. The Municipal District PPNwill be made up of community/voluntary, social inclusion and environmental organisations within that particular district.
* DiabetesFoodies ~ Low Carb & Paleo Recipes *
At lunch time every day John has posted one of his recipes both to our website and our face book pages, but his dream was to create a website for foods alone. A website he hoped would work alongside www.diabetest1ireland.com And would be devoted to low carbohydrate and Paleo food Recipes.
John has now published his new website called DiabetesFoodies and will continue to post to our facebook page daily. All recipes will now be stored permanently on his Dia Foodies website which you can find by following the link here : http://diafoodies.com/
* Our aim as we go through 2015 / 2016 *
- ~ to assist in raising funds for Diabetes Ireland's GP awareness campaign through 2015
- ~ to assist where ever we can in order to help make Thrive-abetes a huge success.
- ~ to increase our sponsor list to 3 or 4 sponsors.
- ~ to publish a monthly news update starting with this one, so please subscribe / follow, free to make sure your up to date with the latest information.
- ~ to continue the work we already do supporting and assisting people with diabetes.
- ~ to build a data base of contact details for support to people dealing with a new diagnosis of either type 1 or type 2 diabetes of all ages, so they can see the way forward when it comes to living with and managing diabetes.
*Glucomen LX Plus Blood Glucose meter*
from Medicon Ireland
- We can order a GlucoMen lx plus for you on your behalf FREE to be sent to you by post. Just email td1ireland@gmail.com with your details or PM us on our facebook page Diabetes T1 Ireland.
- The GlucoMen LX Plus blood glucose meter exceeds ISO standards and is about the most accurate meter you can have. It is becoming increasingly popular in our Irish Hospitals and among both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics.
- All your data from the meter can be downloaded either directly to your computer or via bluetooth to the "GlucoLogLite" app on your smart phone. Your data can then be emailed either to your diabetes team or to your own email address for printing giving you a clear picture of trends at particular times of the day, therefore enabling better diabetes management.
- A button to flick out your used strip from the meter.
- Meal and exercise markers.
- Ketone strips come in a tub, so they are easier to use.
- Carry pouch can be worn on your belt, with the belt loop.
- New finger pricker that is very gentle on your fingers.
- Big easy read screen, and easy grip.
- Coloured gel cover FREE, once you'v registered your meter.
- You can order record books, & calibration fluid FREE also.
*But for now on face book *
"parents whose children have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes" can find fabulous support here. Parents of Children & Teens with T1 Diabetes in Ireland. https://www.facebook.com/groups/217346238337444/?ref=ts&fref=ts
People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. "KDiabetes Support" https://www.facebook.com/groups/553326244752858/?fref=ts
Also "Diabetes in Ireland"
The above 3 groups are closed support groups, once you find them just press join and an admin will accept you. Posts in these groups cannot be seen / viewed by the public. Only members can see them.
At lunch time every day John has posted one of his recipes both to our website and our face book pages, but his dream was to create a website for foods alone. A website he hoped would work alongside www.diabetest1ireland.com And would be devoted to low carbohydrate and Paleo food Recipes.
John has now published his new website called DiabetesFoodies and will continue to post to our facebook page daily. All recipes will now be stored permanently on his Dia Foodies website which you can find by following the link here : http://diafoodies.com/
* Our aim as we go through 2015 / 2016 *
- ~ to assist in raising funds for Diabetes Ireland's GP awareness campaign through 2015
- ~ to assist where ever we can in order to help make Thrive-abetes a huge success.
- ~ to increase our sponsor list to 3 or 4 sponsors.
- ~ to publish a monthly news update starting with this one, so please subscribe / follow, free to make sure your up to date with the latest information.
- ~ to continue the work we already do supporting and assisting people with diabetes.
- ~ to build a data base of contact details for support to people dealing with a new diagnosis of either type 1 or type 2 diabetes of all ages, so they can see the way forward when it comes to living with and managing diabetes.
*Glucomen LX Plus Blood Glucose meter*
from Medicon Ireland
- We can order a GlucoMen lx plus for you on your behalf FREE to be sent to you by post. Just email td1ireland@gmail.com with your details or PM us on our facebook page Diabetes T1 Ireland.
- The GlucoMen LX Plus blood glucose meter exceeds ISO standards and is about the most accurate meter you can have. It is becoming increasingly popular in our Irish Hospitals and among both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics.
- All your data from the meter can be downloaded either directly to your computer or via bluetooth to the "GlucoLogLite" app on your smart phone. Your data can then be emailed either to your diabetes team or to your own email address for printing giving you a clear picture of trends at particular times of the day, therefore enabling better diabetes management.
- A button to flick out your used strip from the meter.
- Meal and exercise markers.
- Ketone strips come in a tub, so they are easier to use.
- Carry pouch can be worn on your belt, with the belt loop.
- New finger pricker that is very gentle on your fingers.
- Big easy read screen, and easy grip.
- Coloured gel cover FREE, once you'v registered your meter.
- You can order record books, & calibration fluid FREE also.
*But for now on face book *
"parents whose children have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes" can find fabulous support here. Parents of Children & Teens with T1 Diabetes in Ireland. https://www.facebook.com/groups/217346238337444/?ref=ts&fref=ts
"parents whose children have been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes" can find fabulous support here. Parents of Children & Teens with T1 Diabetes in Ireland. https://www.facebook.
People with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. "KDiabetes Support" https://www.facebook.com/groups/553326244752858/?fref=ts
Also "Diabetes in Ireland"
The above 3 groups are closed support groups, once you find them just press join and an admin will accept you. Posts in these groups cannot be seen / viewed by the public. Only members can see them.
* Iport news to date *
The iport arrived in Ireland during the summer 2014 and although it can be purchased in Ireland it's not yet covered on the LTI scheme. We have actively supported the campaign launched by a parent who's son has Type 1 Diabetes to have the iport covered on our LTI scheme along with our other diabetes supplies. It's been on trial with patients in some hospitals, but as yet we have no up-date. When we have news about this or any updates, we will post it to our face book page. The iport can be purchased through your pharmacy. To learn more about the iport......
The link here is for the petition being signed to go to the HSE. So please sign it.
The iport arrived in Ireland during the summer 2014 and although it can be purchased in Ireland it's not yet covered on the LTI scheme. We have actively supported the campaign launched by a parent who's son has Type 1 Diabetes to have the iport covered on our LTI scheme along with our other diabetes supplies. It's been on trial with patients in some hospitals, but as yet we have no up-date. When we have news about this or any updates, we will post it to our face book page. The iport can be purchased through your pharmacy. To learn more about the iport......
The link here is for the petition being signed to go to the HSE. So please sign it.
** Thrive-abetes event news to date **
(fundraising in progress )
Thrive-abetes is a conference for people with Type 1 Diabetes and parents / carers of children / people with Type 1 Diabetes.
This will be hosted and organised mainly by Grainn Flynn, Christine Meehan and Rebecca Flanagan, with some help form others on the sideline.
Do you want to meet more people with
type 1 diabetes? Do you want to hear their stories and draw support from them?
also to learn more about ways to cope with #type1 #diabetes every day.
There is room for only 3 more exhibitors at this conference so don't delay getting in touch with us if this is something you are interested in.
The speakers confirmed for Thrive-abetes; Thrive with Type 1 Diabetes Conference.
- Helena Farrell from Diabetes Insight will discuss Diabetes Burnout with our group of adults with type 1 Diabetes.
Helena Farrell is originally from Charleville, Co. Cork, but now is married and lives in Bandon Co. Cork. She graduated as a registered general nurse from Cork University Hospital in January 2000, where she began her working life as a staff nurse in a general medical ward in the CUH, which specialised in diabetes.
During her time on this ward, Helena gained many qualifications in lifestyle management such as nutritional therapy, addiction studies, psychotherapy to name a few. After five years on the Diabetes ward she transferred to the Diabetes Day Care Centre in the CUH where she worked as a Nurse Educator, gaining experience on the many aspects of diabetes education.
Find out more about Helena at www.diabetesinsight.ie your will also find out a little more in the post below.
- Joe Solo a Certified Diabetes Nurse, known in Ireland as diabetes nurse specialists. a Clinical Social Worker, a Family Therapist, a Motivational Speaker, Author, and Jedi Warrior. He is also president and founder of the company that produced the 2014 eBook "A Mile in My Shoes".
- Kate Fazakerly is Chair of the Families with Diabetes National Network since September 2014. Kate’s daughter, Isobel, was diagnosed with type 1 in 1999 when she was two. With 22 years of experience of raising a child with diabetes from toddler to teen with all the intervening ages and stages, Kate, Isobel and their family have navigated the highs and lows of starting school, playdates, school trips, exams and parties and have learned together how to tackle the challenges of growing up with the added challenges of type 1 diabetes.
all information and up-dates for this event are posted in the events section, and this is kept up-to-date with details of speakers and whats happening as its happening.
Do you want to meet more people with
type 1 diabetes? Do you want to hear their stories and draw support from them?
also to learn more about ways to cope with #type1 #diabetes every day.
type 1 diabetes? Do you want to hear their stories and draw support from them?
also to learn more about ways to cope with #type1 #diabetes every day.
There is room for only 3 more exhibitors at this conference so don't delay getting in touch with us if this is something you are interested in.
The speakers confirmed for Thrive-abetes; Thrive with Type 1 Diabetes Conference.
- Helena Farrell from Diabetes Insight will discuss Diabetes Burnout with our group of adults with type 1 Diabetes.
Helena Farrell is originally from Charleville, Co. Cork, but now is married and lives in Bandon Co. Cork. She graduated as a registered general nurse from Cork University Hospital in January 2000, where she began her working life as a staff nurse in a general medical ward in the CUH, which specialised in diabetes.
During her time on this ward, Helena gained many qualifications in lifestyle management such as nutritional therapy, addiction studies, psychotherapy to name a few. After five years on the Diabetes ward she transferred to the Diabetes Day Care Centre in the CUH where she worked as a Nurse Educator, gaining experience on the many aspects of diabetes education.
Find out more about Helena at www.diabetesinsight.ie your will also find out a little more in the post below.
- Joe Solo a Certified Diabetes Nurse, known in Ireland as diabetes nurse specialists. a Clinical Social Worker, a Family Therapist, a Motivational Speaker, Author, and Jedi Warrior. He is also president and founder of the company that produced the 2014 eBook "A Mile in My Shoes".
- Kate Fazakerly is Chair of the Families with Diabetes National Network since September 2014. Kate’s daughter, Isobel, was diagnosed with type 1 in 1999 when she was two. With 22 years of experience of raising a child with diabetes from toddler to teen with all the intervening ages and stages, Kate, Isobel and their family have navigated the highs and lows of starting school, playdates, school trips, exams and parties and have learned together how to tackle the challenges of growing up with the added challenges of type 1 diabetes.
all information and up-dates for this event are posted in the events section, and this is kept up-to-date with details of speakers and whats happening as its happening.
* Diabetes Insight news*
Diabetes insight continues to grow with Dietary Planning for people with
Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes
- Meals Plans
- Budget Shopping Lists
- Supermarket Tours
- Cookery Classes
- Carbohydrate Counting for Type 1 Diabetes
- Low Glycaemic Index Approach
- Education programmes
- Psychological Supports
- Weight Management
Diabetes Education
The Conventional Approach to Diabetes Education Sees the Professional As the Expert in Your Diabetes. Diabetes Insights Approach Sees You as an Expert in Your Life, and as far as we are concerned that is exactly as it should be.
Diabetes insight continues to grow with Dietary Planning for people with
Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes
- Meals Plans
- Budget Shopping Lists
- Supermarket Tours
- Cookery Classes
- Carbohydrate Counting for Type 1 Diabetes
- Low Glycaemic Index Approach
- Education programmes
- Psychological Supports
- Weight Management
Diabetes Education
The Conventional Approach to Diabetes Education Sees the Professional As the Expert in Your Diabetes. Diabetes Insights Approach Sees You as an Expert in Your Life, and as far as we are concerned that is exactly as it should be.
Helena Farrell from Diabetes Insight will discuss Diabetes Burnout with the group of adults with type 1 Diabetes at the Thrive-abetes Conference on 3rd October (venue to be confirmed and announced).
Find out more about Helena at www.diabetesinsight.ie
Helena Farrell from Diabetes Insight will discuss Diabetes Burnout with the group of adults with type 1 Diabetes at the Thrive-abetes Conference on 3rd October (venue to be confirmed and announced).
Find out more about Helena at www.diabetesinsight.ie
*Diabetes Ireland's,GP awareness campaign*
( funding needed please )
The aim of the campaign will be to reduce the incidence of DKA at initial diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. The primary focus will be on alerting GP’s and other community professionals on the need for blood or urine glucose testing earlier to out rule diabetes rather than the current wait and see approach.
Now if your taking part in any events, or you think you'd like to organise one, we are asking that you consider this campaign as being worthy of your donations.
Diabetes Ireland have a text donation number (Text diabetes to 50300) we can use this as we see fit… They can track how much comes through on any particular day… any upturn can be attributed to our push and this amount can be directed to the T1 GP Campaign.
The ladies Mini Marathon is just one of the many events that will taking place so please consider carefully raising money for this particular project you can use the link to the web page http://www.diabetes.ie/fundraising/donate/ if donating, then select the ✔(2015/16 Type 1 GP Awareness Initiative option) this option Is also available if you wish to make a donation when renewing membership.
Join our challenge, the "Diabetes Egg Crack Challenge.”
Raise Awareness - Raise Funds - Have Fun
#DiabetesEggCrack .....lets BEAT #type1diabetes ignorance and raise #Type1Awareness..... Or any other crazy idea you have
Diabetes Ireland have a text donation number (Text diabetes to 50300) for the GP awareness campaign 2015 / 2016 ......
✔ Crack that egg ( on your head )
✔ Photo please
✔ Text Diabetes, €2 donation to 50300
✔ Don't forget to nominate some friends to do the same.
"Diabetes Egg Crack Challenge.”
Send us your picture and donation screen shot. We will post it, or feel free to post to our page and we will share it, or here in the events section.
The aim of the campaign will be to reduce the incidence of DKA at initial diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. The primary focus will be on alerting GP’s and other community professionals on the need for blood or urine glucose testing earlier to out rule diabetes rather than the current wait and see approach.
Now if your taking part in any events, or you think you'd like to organise one, we are asking that you consider this campaign as being worthy of your donations.
Diabetes Ireland have a text donation number (Text diabetes to 50300) we can use this as we see fit… They can track how much comes through on any particular day… any upturn can be attributed to our push and this amount can be directed to the T1 GP Campaign.
The ladies Mini Marathon is just one of the many events that will taking place so please consider carefully raising money for this particular project you can use the link to the web page http://www.diabetes.ie/fundraising/donate/ if donating, then select the ✔(2015/16 Type 1 GP Awareness Initiative option) this option Is also available if you wish to make a donation when renewing membership.
Join our challenge, the "Diabetes Egg Crack Challenge.”
Raise Awareness - Raise Funds - Have Fun
#DiabetesEggCrack .....lets BEAT #type1diabetes ignorance and raise #Type1Awareness..... Or any other crazy idea you have
Diabetes Ireland have a text donation number (Text diabetes to 50300) for the GP awareness campaign 2015 / 2016 ......
✔ Crack that egg ( on your head )
✔ Photo please
✔ Text Diabetes, €2 donation to 50300
✔ Don't forget to nominate some friends to do the same.
"Diabetes Egg Crack Challenge.”
Send us your picture and donation screen shot. We will post it, or feel free to post to our page and we will share it, or here in the events section.
*New products we have heard about*
After years of working in secret, the team at Locemia announced that they have made a dramatic advance in glucagon delivery technology. The mixing and injecting process has been replaced by a simple nasal spray. The product has already completed Phase 3 clinical trials and will be submitted for FDA approval by the end of this year.
After years of working in secret, the team at Locemia announced that they have made a dramatic advance in glucagon delivery technology. The mixing and injecting process has been replaced by a simple nasal spray. The product has already completed Phase 3 clinical trials and will be submitted for FDA approval by the end of this year.
* Insuflon*
something we hadn't heard about before this month, is the existence of Insuflon. A tiny appliance you attach to your body to inject your insulin into, changed only every 5 days.
so we were both surprised and excited when we heard about this.
Iv used the iport and loved it, but never new another form of this existed. We contacted the folks at Insuflon with a few questions.
- Q1. Is it suitable for children and adults injecting.?
- Q2. Are there any reviews I could read ?
- Q3. Can people in Ireland order this from you online ?
- Q4. Is a prescription needed.?
- Q5. If ordering from Ireland, how much is the total cost in €€€€
- A1) The device was initially designed to simplify the injection process for children – to avoid repeated needle injections. It is also widely used by adults.
- A2) There are some reference document listed in the Insuflon booklet that I have sent.
- A3) We don’t have an online ordering system, but we can accept orders by phone and payment by credit card. However be aware that shipping to Ireland can be quite expensive. We will always use the cheapest form and charge accordingly.
The reply we received :
Unfortunately when they ship to Ireland they also have to add the VAT unless the recipient can give them an Irish VAT number for reference. They do currently ship to a few pharmacies and hospitals in Ireland so it might be worth investigation with a local pharmacy if they would be prepared to help out with small groups requiring these.
Meanwhile here is a list of the pharmacies that they currently supply to, for the Insuflon in Ireland:
John Carey Pharmacy, Clogheen, Cahir Co Tipperary
Kissane Pharmacy, Tipperary Town
Mary Street pharmacy, Clonmel
McSharry’s Pharmacy, Galway
Medicare Pharmacy, Lahinch, Co Clare
Mulligans Pharmacy, Clonmel
Thurles Pharmacy, Thurles, Co Tipperary
Contact details for Applied Medical Technology Ltd
4 Kings Court, Kirkwood Road, Cambridge CB4 2PF
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 420415 | Fax: +44 (0)1223 425533 | email: support@applied-medical.co.uk
Company Registered in England Registration Number: 3561938
so we were both surprised and excited when we heard about this.
Iv used the iport and loved it, but never new another form of this existed. We contacted the folks at Insuflon with a few questions.
- Q1. Is it suitable for children and adults injecting.?
- Q2. Are there any reviews I could read ?
- Q3. Can people in Ireland order this from you online ?
- Q4. Is a prescription needed.?
- Q5. If ordering from Ireland, how much is the total cost in €€€€
- A1) The device was initially designed to simplify the injection process for children – to avoid repeated needle injections. It is also widely used by adults.
- A2) There are some reference document listed in the Insuflon booklet that I have sent.
- A3) We don’t have an online ordering system, but we can accept orders by phone and payment by credit card. However be aware that shipping to Ireland can be quite expensive. We will always use the cheapest form and charge accordingly.
The reply we received :
Unfortunately when they ship to Ireland they also have to add the VAT unless the recipient can give them an Irish VAT number for reference. They do currently ship to a few pharmacies and hospitals in Ireland so it might be worth investigation with a local pharmacy if they would be prepared to help out with small groups requiring these.
Meanwhile here is a list of the pharmacies that they currently supply to, for the Insuflon in Ireland:
John Carey Pharmacy, Clogheen, Cahir Co Tipperary
Kissane Pharmacy, Tipperary Town
Mary Street pharmacy, Clonmel
McSharry’s Pharmacy, Galway
Medicare Pharmacy, Lahinch, Co Clare
Mulligans Pharmacy, Clonmel
Thurles Pharmacy, Thurles, Co Tipperary
Contact details for Applied Medical Technology Ltd
4 Kings Court, Kirkwood Road, Cambridge CB4 2PF
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 420415 | Fax: +44 (0)1223 425533 | email: support@applied-medical.co.uk
Company Registered in England Registration Number: 3561938
*A. O. B. / any other business*
In future editions of ..........
We would like to include any information, news or events, T1 related pictures, any story, either generally or personally you'd like to share with us.
Any ideas you might have. Basically we'd like you guys to fill this space.
But for now here is my personal update:
Late in 2014 i was lucky enough to be given a trial on a Medtronic Guardian CGM / Continuous Glucose Meter. I was so impressed with the freedom & security it gave me that getting one of my own was now the first priority on my personal agenda. As i wasn't already familiarwith the existance of the guardian for use while on MDI / multiple daily injections, i wrote about my experience while using it. you can read my blog here:
The good NEWS update on this is that I now have my very own CGM.
Contacting medtronic Ireland and enquiring about a trial is a good idea. This gives you a feel for how it would effect your day to day management. Now bring totally honest, just like the pump it's an absolutely fabulous device, but not everybody might like it. I wouldn't want a pump, but that's just my personal choice.
As Iv always said, there is NO, one size fits all, no matter what the device is. The other point Id like to make is that no matter what devices your using, ultimately it's you that must do the work, diligence, knowledge, control, and good management are all skills you will need.
Once I was sure that the Medtronic Guardian CGM was 100% what I needed, I spoke to my diabetes consultant on 6th January and we discussed how my Trial went, and my reasons for wanting this. Dr a Kevin Moore ( my diabetes consultant ) wrote a letter of recommendation to our community care Hse office. A few weeks later I had a phone call from the Hse saying my application had been approved. That was Friday 13th February.
By the end of February I had my CGM. The enlite sensors are 100% covered on my LTI . The whole process took 6-8 weeks.
Yes you can purchase a CGM privately, but your sensors may not be covered on your LTI if you take this route. The sensors are about €50 each and one lasts for 6 days. You'd use 5 per month, that's €250.00 for sensors per month.
We are sponsored & supported by Clancys Pharmacy, College Road, Clane, and
Medicon Ireland Limited ( GlucoMen )
We would welcome 3 or 4 sponsors during 2015. This will cover website, phone, admin, post & packaging, printing, and some other general expenses and to cover meetings etc.
We are also hoping to support Thrive-abetes ( as seen above ) and the GP awareness initiative being promoted by Diabetes Ireland.
Our sponsors will not be in competition with each other for business, we will of course include sponsors in our sponsors list or they can remain anon if prefered.
If you would like to be one of our sponsors please email td1ireland@gmail.com and john or myself will be happy to help you.
Because of the vast amount of information requested we built a website www.diabetest1ireland.com where we can keep information in the one place and we keep it updated regularly.
In future editions of ..........
We would like to include any information, news or events, T1 related pictures, any story, either generally or personally you'd like to share with us.
Any ideas you might have. Basically we'd like you guys to fill this space.
But for now here is my personal update:
The good NEWS update on this is that I now have my very own CGM.
Contacting medtronic Ireland and enquiring about a trial is a good idea. This gives you a feel for how it would effect your day to day management. Now bring totally honest, just like the pump it's an absolutely fabulous device, but not everybody might like it. I wouldn't want a pump, but that's just my personal choice.
Contacting medtronic Ireland and enquiring about a trial is a good idea. This gives you a feel for how it would effect your day to day management. Now bring totally honest, just like the pump it's an absolutely fabulous device, but not everybody might like it. I wouldn't want a pump, but that's just my personal choice.
As Iv always said, there is NO, one size fits all, no matter what the device is. The other point Id like to make is that no matter what devices your using, ultimately it's you that must do the work, diligence, knowledge, control, and good management are all skills you will need.
Once I was sure that the Medtronic Guardian CGM was 100% what I needed, I spoke to my diabetes consultant on 6th January and we discussed how my Trial went, and my reasons for wanting this. Dr a Kevin Moore ( my diabetes consultant ) wrote a letter of recommendation to our community care Hse office. A few weeks later I had a phone call from the Hse saying my application had been approved. That was Friday 13th February.
By the end of February I had my CGM. The enlite sensors are 100% covered on my LTI . The whole process took 6-8 weeks.
Yes you can purchase a CGM privately, but your sensors may not be covered on your LTI if you take this route. The sensors are about €50 each and one lasts for 6 days. You'd use 5 per month, that's €250.00 for sensors per month.
We are sponsored & supported by Clancys Pharmacy, College Road, Clane, and
Medicon Ireland Limited ( GlucoMen )
We would welcome 3 or 4 sponsors during 2015. This will cover website, phone, admin, post & packaging, printing, and some other general expenses and to cover meetings etc.
We are also hoping to support Thrive-abetes ( as seen above ) and the GP awareness initiative being promoted by Diabetes Ireland.
Our sponsors will not be in competition with each other for business, we will of course include sponsors in our sponsors list or they can remain anon if prefered.
If you would like to be one of our sponsors please email td1ireland@gmail.com and john or myself will be happy to help you.
Because of the vast amount of information requested we built a website www.diabetest1ireland.com where we can keep information in the one place and we keep it updated regularly.
Diabetes mellitus, a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by the impaired ability of the body to produce or respond to insulin and thereby maintain proper levels of sugar in the blood. Diabetes treatment
ReplyDeleteDiabetes is a chronic disease affecting millions of people throughout the world. Abnormally high blood sugar levels due to the underproduction of insulin and improper functioning of the pancreas results in this disease. I find a very good website for the Cancer medications , If you want you can visit this site.